CBD (cannabidiol) is a completely safe and therapeutic compound found in cannabis. There are, however, many misconceptions still associated with it. It also remains an exciting area of research and legislation. It is as common on the shelves of health food stores as any other vitamin.
CBD-infused products are everywhere, yet even though CBD is widely accepted, people still seem confused as to what CBD is and what it does. There still seems to be some misunderstanding as to how CBD is used and what is to be expected.
6 Myths About High-CBD Cannabis
Myth #1– CBD is non-psychoactive and medical; THC is recreational: CBD has been formally classified as a non-psychoactive substance. Yet it does have properties that affect and alter our anxiety, alertness, cravings, mood, and general psyche. Although it does not impair our mental or physical functioning even in high doses. So, CBD can be considered non-intoxicating, but still psychoactive. Although CBD has no recreational attributes, it is incorrect to conclude that THC is strictly recreational. It also has many therapeutic benefits.
Myth #2– CBD is sedating: CBD itself is not sedating. Quite the opposite. CBD works to counteract the sedative effects of THC; it delays sleep time and reduces a THC “hangover.” It may be that high-dose levels of CBD also contain myrcene, a sedative terpene. Although people using CBD claim that CBD makes them feel more awake, when they lay down and close their eyes, they have no trouble falling asleep.

Myth #3– A little CBD is enough: Since CBD is much less potent than THC at relieving symptoms, more can be used, particularly since there are no psychoactive effects. Although there is significant overlap as to what can be treated by both cannabinoids, the way they do it, and how the individual responds to these two different cannabinoids are decidedly different. Doses of pharmaceutical CBD in the hundreds of milligrams have been used to treat anxiety, schizophrenia, and seizures.
Myth #4– CBD is the same as hemp, medical cannabis, or isolate: It is unlikely that the various CBD products on the market have the same effects regardless of the origin of the CBD. CBD works better when combined with other cannabis compounds. It is also likely that hemp is a less efficient source of CBD. Much larger amounts of hemp are needed to extract CBD. Also, there is a lot of mislabeling happening in the hemp-based CBD industry. Out of 84 CBD products purchased online by a recent study, only 31% were accurately labelled.
Myth #5– CBD works by activating cannabinoid receptors: CBD does not directly stimulate the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the endocannabinoid system. CBD turns down the activity level, causing a decrease in the effects of THC and endocannabinoid signalling at the CB1 receptor. CBD can decrease cannabinoid signalling, yet it also can increase cannabinoid signalling, by inhibiting the breakdown and transport of the abundant anandamide. So, does CBD inhibit or stimulate your endocannabinoid system? Depending on what you need it for and how much you consume, it does both.
Buy CBD Online from Ganjagrams
Ganjagrams offers CBD products online. Our mission is to provide everyone in need of CBD, with the best CBD products, the most consistent experience, and the best information. We ship our high-quality CBD products all over Canada from our location in British Columbia.