Green Apple Rings by Ether Edibles (180mg)
What are edibles?
Cannabis can be consumed in multiple ways. One of the most popular ways is cannabis-infused foods, also known as Edibles. These treats usually come in candy form like gummies. Edibles can be produced using various forms of cannabis but our edibles use finely extracted cannabis oils.
What effects do they have?
Cannabis edibles have been known to produce a stronger and longer lasting effect than inhaled cannabis. This is essential for individuals looking to relieve ailments that may cause them discomfort but can not physically smoke cannabis.
Where should I start?
First time-consuming edibles? It is suggested to begin with a lower dose for your first time and experiment with different dosages until you find the experience that works effectively for you and your body.
2 reviews for Green Apple Rings by Ether Edibles (180mg)